Event Descriptions


The Church of the Master Angels™ sponsors events throughout the United States several times a year. There are eight different types of events to accommodate the needs of our continually growing numbers. Each event is a life-changing experience and targeted in specific ways to the needs of participants.

Many events are open to all, while some have prerequisites. In-person events are open to children over 12. A few events are only for graduates of the Elite Development Courses offered every summer in Boone, North Carolina.

Note that start and end times of events are always approximate. Most events have a dial-in option. When available, in-person attendance is highly recommended and considered to be the most beneficial.

Apply Elite Course 2025

Applications are available for the Elite Development Course – 2025. Apply now!

“A”: Grand Event

Who Can Attend “A” Events

All are welcome to attend these unique and highly advanced events, regardless of previous history of attendance at CMA events. For some, this will be their first introduction to CMA events but it should be noted that although all are welcome to attend, this event is intended for the serious spiritual aspirant. The event includes new knowledge and discoveries as well as cutting-edge secrets for staying healthy and physically aligned for maximum spiritual development regardless of prior or current spiritual practices. A series of dramatic, advanced group blessings are carried out by the Angels. These life-changing transformative Angelic Reformation® experiences take place in a large group setting and are tailored to the needs of each person present without the need for private sessions.

This event is considered a pre-Elite Development Course event and is also recommended for those wishing to have a “Taste of Elite” and plan to apply for the Elite Development Courses in the future.

“B”: Introduction and Knowledge Event

Who Can Attend “B” Events

“B” events are for all new attendees and those who are not yet Elite graduates. These events are designed to give a new level of awareness and perspective into the realities of one’s energetic structures and how they affect health and well-being. The angels transmit powerful blessings on multiple levels of mind, body, and spirit throughout the events, culminating in extra powerful group blessings at the end.

Blessings start the moment that someone signs up for an event and continue powerfully at the event itself. Registering for an event does not reserve a personal session. Faith is what bridges the gap between a person’s karmic debt and their opportunity to be blessed.

“C”: Open Forum Event

Who Can Attend “C” Events

Everyone is welcome to attend “C” events. Open Forum events include advanced knowledge and blessings, focused on deepening spiritual development. There are no personal sessions, but there are individual blessings, as questions are taken from the audience and worked on individually, addressing concerns in an open forum-style manner. During the event, people from the audience are chosen for individual blessing work. In the past, some very lucky people received major miracles during “Open Forum” events. Faith is what bridges the gap between a person’s karmic debt and their opportunity to be blessed. These events are going to be very special for anyone who wants to see firsthand some of the mechanics of the blessing process.

“T”: Teleseminar Event

Who Can Participate In “T” Events

Teleseminars are the perfect way for people to connect with the Master Angels™ from wherever they are in the world by dialing in on a phone. Participants have an opportunity to send in questions prior to the call that may be read out and answered during the call. There are often moments of silence while the Angels do blessing work.

Questions of an individual nature, such as personal issues, are usually not addressed during teleseminars. However, it is often beneficial to have attention on issues during the group blessing.

“V”: Video Event

Who Can Attend “V” Events

All people are welcome to attend these events whether or not they have been to a CMA event in the past. Video broadcasts of events are organized by volunteers and offered in various cities throughout the world. Angels include the same powerful blessing at the end of Video Workshops that they perform at live events for all participants.

Event Types “A”, “B”, “C”, “T”, and “V” Are Open to Everyone

Additional Event Policies & Stipulations

Silence in a Place of Worship

Children under the age of 12, pets, and animals are not allowed at these private Church events.


Shirt and shoes are required to attend events.


Hotels do not allow outside food or drinks in the event rooms or hotel hallways. Please enjoy meals, coffee, or snacks prior to arriving at these events.

Event Registration Changes

Before registering for an event, please be sure that the dates and details are correct. It is not possible to switch from one event to another due to availability of space. The “no refunds of donation” policy as stated on the website will have to be strictly observed.

Event Donation and Refund Policy

Online registrations for in-person events close 24 hours before an event. If a participant needs to cancel a registration, there can be no refunding of the initial donation.

Donations: CMA, International Foundation, DBA: The Church of the Master Angels™ is a registered charity and a not for profit organization. As such, donations to the Church, or some part thereof, may be tax-deductible. Please check with your personal tax consultant since the Church organization is not a tax advisor and does not give tax advice.

Elite Graduate Events

Event Types “D”, “E”, and “F”: For Elite Graduates Only

The Church of the Master Angels™ sponsors events throughout the United States several times a year. There are eight different types of events to accommodate the needs of our continually growing numbers. Each event is a life-changing experience and targeted in specific ways to the needs of participants.

Many events are open to all, while some have prerequisites. In-person events are open to children over 12. A few events are only for graduates of the Elite Development Courses offered every summer in Boone, North Carolina.

Note that start and end times of events are always approximate. Most events have a dial-in option. When available, in-person attendance is highly recommended and considered to be the most beneficial.

“D”: Elite Advanced Knowledge Event

Who Can Attend “D” Events

“D” events are only for Elite graduates. They are designed to share the latest knowledge and information that is pertinent to Elite graduates in a short talk.

Blessings start the moment that someone signs up for an event and continue powerfully at the event itself. Registering for an event does not reserve a personal session. Faith is what bridges the gap between a person’s karmic debt and their opportunity to be blessed.

“E”: Elite Refresher Event

Who Can Attend “E” Events

“E” events are only for Elite graduates. These special advanced events are a continuation of summer Elite Development Courses. They are the most powerful events and all Elite graduates are strongly encouraged to attend. Attendance at more than one “E” event per tour is allowed and encouraged.

“F”: Elite Prayer Facilitator’s Event

Who Can Attend “F” Events

“F” events are only for Elite Course graduates in good standing. These special advanced events are a continuation of summer Elite Development Courses. These events dive deeper into the subtleties of advanced prayer facilitator knowledge, practices, and procedures.


Please keep in mind, we are not doctors or medical professionals. We are a diverse international spiritual congregation focused on the full development of the individual. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness. We do not represent or warrant that any particular product or service is safe, appropriate or effective for you. If you have any health concerns, we strongly suggest consulting a qualified healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment options before you approach CMA International Foundation for help with your advanced spiritual development.

Acknowledgement of Faith-Based Blessings

By visiting this website, I acknowledge, understand, and have faith that references to the concepts of healing or treatments on this website are describing faith-based blessings performed by God and the Master Angels™ and not performed by any individual or affiliate of CMA International Foundation d/b/a the Church of the Master Angels™.

Neither CMA International, d/b/a Church of the Master Angels™, nor any of their affiliates, speakers, or representatives offer medical advice.

The statements and information offered on this website have not been independently evaluated by the medical community.

CMA International Foundation wholeheartedly supports traditional medicine and works in conjunction with, and not in lieu of, conventional medical treatments.

The products and items on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition and are not substitutes for prudent medical care offered by a licensed medical professional.